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15 January 2018

Parroting the Durbin “Shithole” Spectacle

By Sam Frescoe
#SamFrescoe #Trump #Durbin #shithole #DACA #media #

Part-2 of the Durbin “Shithole” Spectacle – It’s time to unpack the “shithole” stack.

In politics, there is nothing new under the sun. This is a truism that reaches back through the centuries to a time before American politics. Now, as then, the common variant of mass media is being used to adjust the political landscape. Because the purpose of such an effort is to adjust the beliefs of others (including the citizenry, nationally and internationally), it’s in the interest of each citizen to see through the subterfuge.

WARNING: It’s going to get extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant.[1]

Getting Started – Background

On 12 Jan 2018, multiple news media outlets reported that President Trump made a “shithole countries” comment during a meeting at the White House on 11 Jan 2018. At first glance, those outlets claimed that Trump (in fact) made such a statement; and, Trump’s statement was further evidence that Trump is an open racist. That same day, Trump wrote on Twitter, “The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used.”[1] Later, Sen. Durbin spoke at a press conference to confirm the Press.

“Shithole” #1 – Senator Durbin 

Bottom Line: Senator Durbin is a “hitter” on the political theater stage. – Regardless of opinions, thoughts, beliefs, or delusions, this was a strike at the President himself. Because there is no evidence to substantiate or refute the hearsay of Durbin, or the further separated hearsay of the news media, there can be no other explanation.

The motives of human action are emotions:
rivalry, envy, jealousy, revenge, pride,
and demand for recognition. [2]
– John Adams –

Q: Why would Durbin do such a thing?
A: If Durbin is to appear superior, then someone else must look inferior. In this case, that someone is President Trump.

What Durbin did was about revenge (reprisal for rejecting his proposal in a way that hurt Durbin’s feelings). It was not about Congressional power (there are not enough votes to defeat a veto); it was not about advancing the party platform (the platform advances ONLY when favorable legislation is enacted into law); it was not about his duty as a Senator (he aired dirty laundry from a private meeting…grossly unprofessional); it was not about building consensus (his actions created a poisonous, all-or-nothing landscape); it was not about showing strength (he clearly stated that he was going to “beg for votes”); it was not about countering racism (those that presuppose racism are still presupposing racism); and it was not about DACA-favorable messaging (CNN,[3] Time, and others went on a “Trump is a ‘shithole’” marathon, not a “let’s get behind DACA” marathon, for nearly 24-hours).

“Shithole” #2 – Politicians 

DACA is just not important.

While the date and agenda of the meeting seems to be well understood, the list of invited and actual attendees is not clear.  However, the mismatch between the reports of invitees and attendees seems obvious enough.
-       Invitations: Prior to the meeting on the 11th, the Washington Examiner reported that 23 Senators were expected to attend: 13 Republicans and 10 Democrats.[4] Specially, Sen. Feinstein (D-Ca), Sen. Bennett (D-Co), and several members of the Presidential staff were mentioned.
-       Attendance: According to multiple Press reports,[5] the attendees were President Trump, Sen. Durbin (D-Ill), Sen. Graham (R-SC), Rep. Diaz-Balart (R-Fla), Rep. Goodlatte (R-Va), Sen. Cotton (R-Ark), Sen. Perdue (R-Ga), and “other government officials.” That makes 5 Republicans and 1 Democrat in attendance.

Question: If this meeting was to address a national crisis (as claimed by Durbin), then where were the other 8 Republicans and 9 Democrats? And why?

This was a set ambush!

On 12 Jan 2018, multiple political actors responded to the reported “shithole countries” comment attributed to Trump.
  • -       President Trump wrote on Twitter, “The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used.” – The President DID attend the meeting.
  • -       Rep. Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla)[6] said, “Language like that shouldn't be heard in locker rooms and it shouldn't be heard in the White House.” – The Representative did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Rep. Love (R-Ut)[7] [8] said the comments were “unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values.” – The Representative did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Sen. Blumenthal (D-Ct)[9] said the comments “smacks of blatant racism…masquerading poorly as immigration policy.” – The Senator did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Rep. Rice (D-NY)[10] Tweeted, “Racist.” – The Representative did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Sen. Durbin (D-Ill)[11]            said the President “said things that were hate-filled, vile and racist.” – The Senator DID attend the meeting.
  • -       House Speaker Ryan (R-Wis)[12] criticized Trump’s remarks. – The Representative did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Sen. Cotton (R-Ark) and Sen. Perdue (R-Ga)[13] said, “We do not recall the President saying these comments.” – The Senators DID attend the meeting.
  • -       Former Vice President Biden[14] condemned the remark on Twitter. – The former VP did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Rep. Gutierrez (D-Ill)[15] said the comments “will shake the confidence that people have” in the ongoing immigration policy talks. “The answer is this racist outburst of the president.” “They (Republicans) don’t believe in immigration – it’s always been about people of color and keeping them out of this country.” – The Representative did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Rep. Richmond (D-La), chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus,[16] said on Twitter that Trump’s remarks “are further proof that his Make America Great Again agenda is really a Make America White Again agenda.” – The Representative did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Rep. Espaillat (D-NY)[17] said, “If he’s walking around with white supremacists and supporting them, this kind of talk doesn’t surprise me.” – The Representative did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Haiti’s ambassador to the US, Paul G. Altidor[18] said, that “the President  was either misinformed or miseducated about Haiti and its people.” – the ambassador did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Alix Desulme, North Miami city council member,[19] said the president’s latest remarks were “disgusting.” “This is alarming. We know he’s not presidential.” The council member did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       The African Union continental body[20] told The Associated Press it was "frankly alarmed" by Trump's comments. – The body did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       South Africa's ruling African National Congress[21] called Trump's comments "extremely offensive." – The African National Congress did NOT attend the meeting.
  • -       Rupert Colville, a spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,[22] said that if confirmed, "these are shocking and shameful comments from the president of the United States. Sorry, but there is no other word one can use but 'racist.'” – The UN did NOT attend the meeting.

Let’s tally it up! – Remember, the meeting was not recorded; more on this in the next section.
  • -       25 condemnations (1 from an attendee, 24 from non-attendees)
  • -       3 denials (3 from attendees, 0 from non-attendees)

“Shithole” #3 – News Media

Bottom Line: News media companies are just as they are, companies. Therefore, their first duty is to stay in business while maximizing revenues. In order to accomplish this, the company must provoke traffic across its modes of media (print, video, television, internet, etc.). In turn, this traffic prompts revenues via advertising and/or company market/exchange value.

If it bleeds, then it leads.

Fact-1: The DACA meeting in the Oval Office at the White House on 11 Jan 2018 was not recorded by stenography or the news media. Therefore, there is no direct, publicly-available evidence of the meeting. – Without direct evidence, it is impossible to substantiate information received from other persons. Taken together, the “shithole” statement is hearsay, a rumor.

Fact-2A: Because the news media went to press based on hearsay, the facts become open to question.

Example-1, Reuters:[23] Reuters reported that an immigration bill briefing took place in the White House to discuss the Temporary Protected Status program. During that discussion, Trump referred to some nations as “shithole countries”. This is according to two sources familiar with the comments and “asked not to be identified.”

Example-2, Associated Press via Yahoo News:[24] Yahoo News reported: As for Africa, he asked why more people from "shithole countries" should be allowed into the U.S., the sources said.

Example-3, Yahoo News embellishes:[25] Based on the prior AP release, Yahoo News posted, “Trump's contemptuous description of an entire continent startled lawmakers in the meeting and immediately revived charges that the president is racist according to people briefed on the conversation.”

Example-4, Washington Post presumes guilt:[26] The Washington Post published, “The White House did not deny Thursday that Trump used the vulgarity confirmed by numerous other news outlets.”

  • -       Why did the sources request anonymity? Why was it granted?
  • -       How do you know that the sources were in a position to know what they claimed? Did they witness the statement? Why is “familiar” objectively sufficient for this case?
  • -       Who was invited to the meeting? Who attended? Who did not attend and why?
  • -       What is the serial number of the bill discussed? Is it filed in the Library of Congress?
  • -       When did the meeting adjourn? When did you (the Press) first learn of the statement?

Fact-3: The time span between the end of the meeting (let’s assume 1700 on the 11th) and when I first observed the Press reports (0400 on the 12th)…is…11-hours. – This means that in less than 11-hours: the “shithole” comment was fed to the Press; Tweets were posted by actors not in attendance; and (tabloid) stories containing statements of American and foreign politicians were written, posted, and replicated throughout the internet and cable networks. – Let that sink in.

“Shithole” #4 – The “Sheepeople”  

Given the tenor, voice, and mass of comments, it was not a flock, it was a mob.

The problem isn't that citizens can't read.
The problem isn't even that citizens can't think.
The problem is that citizens don’t know what thinking is;
they confuse it with feeling.
– Thomas Sowell (amended) –

A person is smart.
People are dumb, panicky,
dangerous animals!
– Men In Black (paraphrased) –

Your View
Your thoughts and perspectives are important. I invite you to tell me what you believe with the comment section.

© 2018 – – All Rights Reserved

[1] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-acknowledges-toug (180112)
[2] John Patrick Diggins, “John Adams”, Times Books, 2003, ISBN: 0-8050-6937-3 (paraphrased)
[3] http_www.thegatewaypundit.com_2018_01_cnn-goes-off-shthole-sh (180112)
[4] http_www.washingtonexaminer.com_daca-fate-hangs-in-the-balanc (180112)
[5] (180112); https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-acknowledges-toug (180112); https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-attacks-protectio (180112); https_www.usatoday.com_story_news_politics_2018_01_12_senator (180112)
[8] (180112)
[10] (180112)
[11] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-acknowledges-toug (180112)
[12] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-acknowledges-toug (180112)
[13] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-acknowledges-toug (180112)
[14] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-acknowledges-toug (180112)
[15] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-attacks-protectio (180112)
[16] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-attacks-protectio (180112)
[17] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-attacks-protectio (180112)
[18] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-attacks-protectio (180112)
[19] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-attacks-protectio (180112)
[20] http_www.cbc.ca_news_world_trump-immigration-africans-reactio (180112)      
[21] http_www.cbc.ca_news_world_trump-immigration-africans-reactio (180112)      
[22] http_www.cbc.ca_news_world_trump-immigration-africans-reactio (180112)      
[24] (180112)
[25] (180112)
[26] https_www.washingtonpost.com_politics_trump-acknowledges-toug (180112)

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